

New Faucets!

So, remember my list of things to do in the bathroom? I ended up moving the fixtures to the top of the list after all! Our nasty sink faucet was so corroded and leaky that it HAD to be replaced.
I mean seriously..

EW. It had to be done. Now. I couldn't take it anymore.

No big deal. We'll just change that out and since our shower head and faucet needed to be replaced, we'll do that at the same time!

So, we marched ourselves over to Home Depot with our gift card that I won (the only thing I've ever won!) from Purdy's "Save the Walls" contest and bought us some faucets!

Isn't it SO much prettier? (Side note: do you see my mason jar soap dispenser? Also, don't look at my ugly counter or tiles.. those will be replaced soon.. hopefully.)

Well, of course nothing goes as planned.. My mom-in-law and I were sent to Home Depot for the second time to pick up some washers. We come home to this.

They had to take 2 of the 3 glass panels out, 1 of the 2 plastic surround pieces off, and cut out the drywall in order to put the new shower faucet in. Wow. 6 hours later, it looks like this! (Sorry I don't have a before picture, I was freaking out a little bit since our shower was in my dining room.)

I am so excited to try it out! I would have jumped right in after the in-laws left, but the caulking needs to dry until morning.

Guess what else? I have 2 dining room chairs finished! WOO HOO! And I finally took an "after" picture, so that post is coming soon.