

Post-it Note Clipboard

I am involved in a group called Mothers or Preschoolers (or MOPs) at my church. We meet twice a month and get to relax, take a break from our kids, and talk to other moms about life. Once a month we do a craft together, and this year, I'm in charge of the crafts. 

Our theme for MOPs this year is "Plunge- love as if your life depended on it" which is taken from 1 Peter 4:8. I've tried to incorporate crafts this year into how we can love others. Every craft we are doing is going to be a gift to someone. The first craft we did is the Post-it Note Clipboard and it is a gift for our kids' teachers. 

I found this idea on Pinterest and LOVED it! 

Here is my little tutorial for you! It's super easy, but I took pictures of each step so you can see. 

Step 1: Gather your supplies. 
-cardboard coaster
-scrapbook paper
-post-it note pad
-binder clip
-embellishment (flower, button, ribbon, etc.)
-mod podge and brush
-sanding block

Step 2: Brush mod podge onto your coaster.

Step 3: Place your scrapbook paper on top of mod podged coaster.

Step 4: Cut off excess paper.

 Step 5: Use sanding block to rough up edges.

 Step 6: Mod podge flower onto clip. 

Step 7: Clip post-it pad onto coaster.

Visit my linky page to see where I'm linking up to!


  1. I love this idea! I am going to pin this on Pinterest and may be making these as a teacher gift later this year. Thanks for linking up to my blog party.

  2. Replies
    1. Kim, I'm don't remember exactly where we bought them, but if you type "chipboard coasters" in Google it gives you lots of websites to buy from! I know we bought them online somewhere.


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