

My 25th Birthday

I'm writing this post, not so you all will know it's my birthday (but it is!), but so I can remember years from now how insane this day has been (or at least the first half of it)! I'm just going to post a timeline of the craziness.

It all started yesterday, October 8 around 6:30 when my husband got home and found out his car was spewing antifreeze all over. {queue timeline}

October 8
7-10pm hubby patches the crack in his radiator but has to let it dry overnight
10pm bedtime

October 9
1:15am Luke wakes up crying
3am I wake up with a migraine, go downstairs and take advil
3:30am go downstairs and get cold washcloth for my eyes
4:15am {still not back to sleep} Luke wakes up crying again
4:30am fall asleep
5am Hubby's alarm goes off, he gets up to fix his car, I wake up
5:15am Luke wakes up and starts jabbering
5:30am fall asleep
6:30am Hubby gets back into bed, I wake up
6:35am fall asleep
7:00am alarm goes off

7-8am shower, get dressed, feed Luke breakfast, send Hubby to work
8:05am get a call from Hubby that his car broke down and is spewing antifreeze again.
8:15am go pick Hubby up and take him to get a spare car from my parent's house.
8:30am send him to work again
8:45am make it to Mops
9-11am Mops
11:30am lunch with my parents {thanks to Gina at Wendy's for paying!}
12:00pm put Luke down for a nap and check all my facebook "happy birthdays"
12:30pm put myself down for a nap
2:30pm wake up from amazing nap!


I loved this birthday because it was definitely memorable. My sweet husband grilled steaks for dinner and we had a night of relaxing on the couch watching a Bones episode (one of my favorite shows!). Now I am off to Florida tomorrow and so ready for a vacation.


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