

Blog Feature Friday: Sweet Pea Pod

Hi there, I’m Danielle from Sweet Pea Pod. I was super excited when Katie asked me to do a guest blog post for The Copper Coconut! Today I will be sharing an easy DIY window frame art hanger. Let me tell you we use our art hanger religiously in our home. It keeps all the artwork up on display where it should be.

I have three beautiful children! They are now all of age to use crayons and paint and let me tell you they use the HECK out of it. Naturally, as a mom I love to display their wonderful artwork. Covered fridges, doors and walls just aren’t my thing, I was filing* so much of their works or art.  Filing= kindly placing in the recycling bin when children are not looking.  This was making me feel bad. I mean they really do work quite hard on some of this stuff.

A few months ago I came across a classifieds ad for window frames for super cheap… $4.00 each. They weren’t the thick fancy ones, but I couldn’t pass up that price. After I bought these guys I hung them up in the garage and there they sat.  And then they sat some more and then some more again. My husband bugged and asked and pestered me about what I was doing with them.  Thinking about my children’s endless artwork I thought up a solution to both problems.

The frames were a cream/white color so I did a light sand to a few areas and a rough sanding to a few areas. Then I applied some blue stain I had laying around.  I couldn’t be happier with how the color turned out.

I love jute! I love using jute on my projects. This one was no different. I tied some jute across the frame in 3 places.

Topped it all off with my kids artwork. It’s a great way to showcase kids art and it also works great as a dryer for painted/glued projects.  Start to finish not including drying time for the stain (this took about 2 hours) was like 40 minutes.
I think it turned out great. Now there’s no more covered house with kids’ crazy art.


**Super cute! What do you all think? 

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