

Marshmallow Brownie Cupcakes

I love baking new things, especially when I can give away the sweets so I don't eat them all myself! I found a new recipe for Marshmallow Brownie Cupcakes and they sounded so good I made them for my small group at church. Big hit, let me tell ya. I followed the directions exactly like she said to make them and they turned out great!

 I used a box brownie mix. Make as directed.

Spray the pan really, really well. These things stick like glue! Then pour a little brownie batter into the bottom of each cupcake holder. 

Drop a large marshmallow on top of the batter.

 Cover with the rest of the brownie batter.

Bake at 325° for 20-25 minutes.



  1. These are amazing! I absolutely LOVE Mississippi Mud Brownies, but never thought to make them muffin sized. Brilliant!

  2. Those look delicious! Can't wait to try them. Thanks for linking to my Monday Makeovers for Your Table party.

  3. Thanks so much for letting me know! I'm so glad you enjoyed them :-) They are so yummy!!


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