

Work Weekend Recap

Last weekend, we had a work weekend. My husband, father-in-law, and mother-in-law were able to take Friday off to start working upstairs. They worked all day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We also had both of my parents and a friend helping on Sunday. We got so much done! I won't show you everything, because I want to show you a big reveal when it's all finished, but I can't help but give you another sneak peek!

My mom and I worked on framing, upholstering and adding legs to our box spring. (Tutorial coming soon!)

 The guys drywalled the holes in our bedroom wall.

And sanded, stained, and polyurethaned our floor. (And accidentally broke the window... it was already cracked, it just got worse.)

 And took out our banister and built a new wall.

And took the carpet up and started framing the new rooms.

And my mother-in-law watched our toddler and our friend's 2 kids, plus did all our laundry, cleaned, and helped with the bedroom floor. We weren't busy at all! Ha.
And our friend found us these 2 AMAZING old doors in his cousin's barn that we will be using in the new rooms. And his cousin gave them to us for free. SHOUT OUT to Jon and cousin Dave!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see your bed! I love the idea of putting legs on your box spring. :) Have fun project-ing!


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