

To Sam: Year 2

Every year I write my kids a letter on their birthday. In true second child fashion, Sam's letter for his second birthday is almost 4 months late. Whoops. Better late than never, right? 

To Sam, on your second birthday,
Your personality really developed this last year. We love watching you grow! You are stubborn and sweet, silly and messy, strong-willed and determined, and so much more. 

Some things you love are reading books, being outside, baths (or anything that involves water), being naked, getting dirty, your grandparents (especially Papa), and fruit of any type! You finally grew some hair and it came in bright blonde and curly. We had lots of fun going to the children's museum, the zoo, Lake Michigan, the pool and just playing together this last year. You can already count to 13 and sing the ABC song since you've listened to us helping Luke learn them. You love riding your tricycle, going on bike rides, smelling flowers, and swinging. 

You love, love, love your family. You follow Luke around and pretty much have to do anything he does, including having an attitude. Unless he's purposely antagonizing you, which he does frequently. You love when daddy gets home at night and run to the door to open it. You still want to snuggle with me and let me hold your hand a lot, which I love. 

We call you slow-mo Sam because you always do things so slowly. We can always rush Luke along, but not you! You go your own speed and do your own thing. Which is good. And bad. It's teaching mommy more patience. 

You started having asthma problems this year, too. Like I said, you have to do everything your big brother does ;) Breathing treatments aren't fun for you, but you take them like a champ. 

I love you so much, my little Sammers. I wish I could bottle you up and keep you this age forever. 

Love, Mommy