

To Luke (8 years)

Dear Luke,

Oh my, how your personality has started coming out!

You are equal parts life of the party and insecurities over how people treat you.
You are a daredevil, especially on your 4 wheeler... which you spend HOURS on.
You are imaginative and love to take charge.
You hate to sit still.
You love music and dancing.
You rarely take a serious picture, always making a goofy face at us!

Dad and I always say you got the strongest personality traits of both of us. You have his people-loving extrovertedness and my stubborn, A-type personality.

You keep us laughing with your goofy spirit. You love anything to do with sports. Basketball, football, ATV riding, swimming, baseball, soccer. You did it all this year too! Your football and soccer teams were undefeated, which made you super excited.

We've had some trials this year, too. We're still working on your digestive system, which led to a colonoscopy and endoscopy this summer. You were so brave even though you were nervous! We're also learning how to cope with big emotions. You're not quite sure how to vent frustrations and anger without exploding like a volcano, yet. But God has been working on you and me both in how we respond and we're seeing growth!

I love watching you grow. You LOVE people. You want to have friends over all the time. You've handled the change in our living situation (sold our house on Main street and moved in with Grammy and Papa) very well!

I'm so thankful God gave me you as my kid!
Love, Mom

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