

Easy Chicken Parmesan

So, I've given up writing every week like I originally planned. I'm going to shoot for once a month. Key words..."shoot for." Don't hold me to it!

I would like to introduce you to a delectable meal. Chicken parmesan.
Fornos of Italy

If you've never had it, you're missing out big time. What's better than breaded chicken with pasta and marinara sauce? Pretty much nothing! There are some big processes to make chicken parmesan though. And I don't have enough time or patience to make those types of things! So, let's back up. Let me introduce you to the EASY chicken parmesan.

I found this recipe at "Deal" ectible Mommies. Here we go!

Place 10-15 (or however many you want) breaded chicken nuggets on the bottom of a baking dish (YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO SPRAY!)

Cover with marinara sauce.

Sprinkle mozzarella cheese on top.

Bake at 350* for 20-30 minutes.

Serve over whatever pasta you want.

The end. I mean, seriously, does it get any easier than that?!? And it only takes about 30-35 minutes to make. I've made it before and it's DELICIOUS! I didn't use enough sauce the first time, but I'm making it again tonight. Yummy.


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