

An update

Well everyone, it's been a while since I've written, but I have some exciting news. I'm going to be a mom! The hubs and I are having our first child in August, so this blog might become more about our baby and less about home improvements.. or home improvements to the nursery! We'll see :)
This is our little peanut at 7 weeks 1 day. We're 11 weeks 2 days now. He/She was the size of a blueberry in this ultrasound. Now the size of a lime!


  1. This is the most exciting news I've ever heard! I love that little lime! You and Caleb will be the most wonderful parents... and your kid will have many fabulous aunts.

  2. Congrats. It is going to be such an exciting for you and we look forward to hearing about the bambino and her/his nursery.

  3. YAY KATIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so very thrilled for you and Caleb.
    (also, I've been thinking of you lately, ever since I read that you're an assistant interior designer... and I've been dreaming of how wonderful that would be. And now you get to see what being a mama is about!)

  4. Above all else, guard your heart for it affects everything else you do. ~Proverbs 4:23

    God bless you and have a nice day :-)


Please leave me a comment. I read all of the comments and try to reply to everyone. I love getting to know my readers! Have a blessed day.