

First Coupon Trip

So today, I had enough time on my hands to go through ads and match up my coupons to good deals. It was my first big coupon shopping trip! I've been using coupons randomly as I need things, but today I started my "stockpile."

I went to Walgreens and Walmart. Walgreens was out of all the stuff I wanted, but I found a couple things I didn't have on my list! I got 2 packages of pantiliners for the cost of tax! That was one of the best deals I got today. I think they were 24 packs, originally $1.49 each and I had a $3/2 pack coupon, so I ended up paying $.21 for 48 liners! That is less than a penny per liner. WOO!

Here is everything I got today!

The other great deal I got was for the 2 packages of disposable razors. They were 10 packs with 2 bonus razors, so 12 per package for $1.97 each. I had a B1G1 free coupon! So each razor ended up being $.08!

Walgreens had select General Mills products on sale 2/$4, but were out of stock when I went there. Luckily, Walmart price matches with an ad! So, I got the box of Lucky Charms and Trix for that price, plus I had a coupon for $1/2 boxes. So, each box cost $1.50! These are usually around $3 each.

Also, FYI, Kraft salad dressings have coupons attached to them (at least at my Walmart) for $.75/1 bottle. Pretty good deal! 

Can you tell I'm excited?!? The total for my shopping trip was $47.92 and I only paid $25.95. That means I saved $21.97! THAT IS ALMOST HALF, PEOPLE!

Anyways, just wanted to share my trip..

P.S. The Krazy Coupon Lady has been a HUGE help in getting me started on couponing!


Things are changing

Things are changing around our little home! First, and most obvious, my belly! Having a baby is going to bring a change that both my husband and I are thrilled about! We can't wait to meet our little guy. Only 11 more weeks till my due date.. wow.
25 weeks
Second, I am going to switch to part-time next week. This won't be a huge adjustment because we live off of my husband's income anyways, but are using mine to pay off school loans. We just won't have as much money to pay towards our loans.

But with this change, we've decided to make some other lifestyle changes. When I was younger, my mom used to do some extreme couponing. I mean EXTREME. My dad actually had to build shelves in our basement for all of the free stuff she was getting by using coupons. We had plastic bins full of toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, razors, shaving cream, soap, etc. Then there were boxes and stacks of food on the shelves. It was fantastic!

This is kind of how our basement looked (Making Life Sweet)

Money Saving Mom only spent $9.27 on all this!

With the cutting back on work and the adding a new person to our home, we decided to become a little more frugal with our money. So, I am going to take up couponing! I've been reading a few blogs (see my list of favorites so far at the end) and it seems crazy not to coupon. The people who know how to do it get free stuff all the time. Who doesn't like free? So, starting this Sunday I (and I've convinced my mom to join back in) am going on a coupon adventure. I will be posting about it on here and hopefully we can all learn how to use our money better.

Favorite Coupon Blogs (so far)
Discount Queens
Frugal Coupon Living
In Good Cents
Making Life Sweet
Mash Up Mom
Money Saving Mom
Krazy Coupon Lady
Bargain Briana


Nursery Progress

Well, it has certainly been awhile since I've written! Not that I don't have things to write about, I just don't have time to write them! So.. I am going to give you a brief update on the nursery progress.. it will be mostly pictures.

First of all, we found out we're having a boy! YAY! His name is going to be Luke Andrew and here he is at 20 weeks.

And onto the nursery..

Here are some before and after shots.
Before... ugly orange carpet, light blue painted walls and a half made bed.

After paint and board and batten, before carpet.

After! New, neutral carpet, board and batten and navy blue walls for our pirate theme.

Window before with some curtains from college.

After board and batten and paint, before carpet and drapes (which aren't done yet..).

Closet before... the total width of the door opening was 30" max.

So, we made it bigger! Now it is a 60" opening and you can actually get to the corners.

After!! SO much nicer.
Some more after shots that didn't have before shots to go with them.
Looking into the room from the loft.

So there you have it! I think it looks a million times better than it did before! I won't be scared to put my baby on the floor (like I would have if it was that shag carpet!), the board and batten adds some character to the room and the navy color pops off the white trim. Now, to get furniture to fill it with :)


An update

Well everyone, it's been a while since I've written, but I have some exciting news. I'm going to be a mom! The hubs and I are having our first child in August, so this blog might become more about our baby and less about home improvements.. or home improvements to the nursery! We'll see :)
This is our little peanut at 7 weeks 1 day. We're 11 weeks 2 days now. He/She was the size of a blueberry in this ultrasound. Now the size of a lime!