

Homemade Calzones

I have another recipe for you today. It's for homemade calzones and it's super easy and oh, so yummy!

Homemade Calzones
Loaf of frozen bread (I like Rhodes the best)
Whatever you want as a filling, like mozzarella cheese, pepperonis, sausage, etc.
Garlic salt/powder

Let the bread raise as per the instructions on a sprayed cookie sheet (I usually do quick method, which takes about 2 hours). When it is raised, punch it down a little bit and on one half of the dough, place your toppings. Fold the dough over so that the toppings are enclosed and pinch the edges together. Sprinkle mozzarella cheese on top and bake in the oven at 350* for 20 minutes.

Melt a couple tablespoons of butter and add some garlic salt and garlic powder to the butter. Use a pastry brush and brush on the butter mixture to the top of the calzone. Dig in!

(Sorry about the pictures, the lighting was awful!)


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