

Top 10 American House Styles (#3)

I have had so much fun writing about some of the most popular house styles in America (check out the first 6 here and here)! Today, I'm giving you the last 4 in the top 10. Spanish Eclectic, Tudor Revival, Colonial Revival, and Contemporary.

Spanish Eclectic
Spanish Eclectic style blends design elements from Spain and Italy. You can tell this type of house by its low-pitched red roof, stucco siding, and arches. 
Spanish Eclectic
Spanish Eclectic
Tudor Revival
Tudor style houses are reminiscent of the Tudor Period in England. They often have visible timber framing, parapets (a low, protective wall along the edge of a roof, bridge, or balcony), and gables. They most often also use brick as part of the exterior.  
Tudor Revival 
Tudor Revival
Colonial Revival
Colonial Revival homes have symmetrical brick or wood exteriors and gabled roofs. Most homes in this style use pillars or columns to frame the porch or entry. This style "was all about patriotism and a desire to retreat from earlier Victorian excesses and build something more authentically American." (MSN)
Colonial Revival
Colonial Revival

Contemporary homes are a sort of hybrid. They take design elements from an array of different periods and blend them together to make an ideal home. These homes also incorporate today's lifestyles into their floor plans. For example, many of them have a great room in which families can easily entertain and use in a multitude of ways.

I hope you've enjoyed defining the most popular American house styles! If you have any questions or comments, I would love to read them! 

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