

Children's Artwork Display

I know I haven't posted lately, but I promise there's a good reason! We added baby Samuel to our family at the beginning of October and it's (obviously) gotten a lot busier around here.

Photo credit: Psalm 46 Photography
But more on him later. I'm not sure about you, but when my toddler sits still long enough to do an art project, they all end up piled on the counter until I throw them away. I hate throwing his art away, but I hate clutter on my counter more. So in the trash they go.

I thought about hanging something on the wall like this so I could display them, but I don't have a really good spot for a board.

So here is what I came up with. We had some old bi-fold doors that were hanging out in the basement from when we remodeled Luke's room a few years ago. We hinged them together and put them in the corner behind his toy box (sorry for the trucks busting out of the toy box, but that is how it normally looks). Then I just used clothespins to clip the artwork to the slats.

I love, love, love that it was such an easy project and it looks like a gallery where he can see his art and I don't have to throw it away!

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