

To Sam: Year 3

To Sam, 
You are getting so big, so fast! Literally and figuratively. I think you're going to be the tallest kid in our family.

This year, your hair finally started to grow in! It came in super blonde and super curly. We can't go anywhere without someone commenting on your beautiful curls. Plus those blue eyes and long lashes. You are absolutely adorable. And you have the personality to go with your looks. You give the best hugs, love to be touching all the time. Even when we're eating dinner you have to be halfway sitting on my lap. You have the sweetest smile and the best giggle. You are sensitive and sweet. You're also very stubborn and emotional! When I have to drop you off at a class, whether it's for church, MOPs, or Bible study, you still cry every time I leave. You're definitely Mommy's boy :)

You passed some big milestones this year! We took the paci away in anticipation of having a new baby, you moved to a big bed in Luke's room, and you potty trained! I probably could have potty trained you months before I actually did because you would tell me all the time when you were going. Funny story: About 2 weeks after you started potty training, we went up to Michigan to visit Great Grandma Bush. While we were there, we went to the beach one day and you really had to go to the bathroom. We told you to just go pee in the lake, thinking you'd go into the water and pee. Nope. You dropped your swimsuit on the beach and peed INTO the lake. It was hilarious!

You love to read! You have the Very Hungry Caterpillar and Brown Bear Brown Bear books memorized. It makes me very proud of you!

You do your absolute best to keep up with your big brother. You love playing with him, but you also don't mind doing your own thing. You love ice cream, but otherwise aren't a big sweets person. Your stuffed puppy, Rufus (you call him My Yufus), and your blankie are your favorite things. Mommy and Papa are your favorite people. You love to wrestle, snuggle, watch movies, and play with technology. You love your baby sister and have no idea what a space bubble is.

I love you so, so, so much!

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