

To Audrey: Year 1

To Audrey: Year 1

I can't even believe I'm writing you your first year letter.. even if it is a couple months late. Sorry, love. Where do I start?

You are the perfect completion to our family. The best little baby girl in the history of ever. You literally looked like a doll when you were born! You started out well sleeping and just got better and better, especially with the gentle baby essential oil on your sheets next to your head.

We had to go to Riley Hospital a few times with you to get your eating/sleeping figured out because you would randomly stop breathing while you were sleeping, and you'd choke while you were eating.. to the point that your lips turned purple a few times and you totally freaked me out. So we got a sleep study and some feeding studies done. All was well, just seemed like your swallow reflex needed to get stronger and you adjusted.

When you were super little, you'd cry if you were held too much! We would put you down in the pack and play and you'd be a super happy camper. When you got a little bigger, you wanted to be able to see people, but still not be touched all the time.

You've been to Michigan, Arizona, and Florida in your first year!

You're definitely a mama's girl and I love that! You look and act so much like Luke, though. Your brothers (especially Luke) adored you from the first moment they met you. You're such a busy bee, always trying to keep up with the boys.. and ALWAYS getting into trouble, heading for the stairs when you're not supposed to, pulling things off shelves and out of bags, generally making a mess and loving life. And you have a very mischievous glint in your eye!  You hate being restrained in any way- like your car seat, stroller, and if someone has to hold you and you want down.

You love your monkey blanket and have to have it to sleep with.. it also makes you want to snuggle, so I'm totally cool with it. You also like to drag it around with you! Ever since you were little, you've had to have something soft to snuggle with. You liked laying on blankets and holding other blankets in your hands. You love bath time.. and anything to do with being in water. You love food. You love people laughing at you. You'll keep doing things over and over if people are laughing at you! You started smiling and haven't stopped since. You're such a joy in our lives!

We love you SO much, Audrey Christine (AB, Ace)

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