

To Sam: Year 4

To Sam: Year 4

I love the fact that we can look back on each year of your life and remember what you're doing, so I'm still writing it, even if it's a few months late.

You have grown from a toddler to a preschooler this year. You rarely take naps anymore, but play in quiet time. You love to play with your brother, except when he picks on you (which is a lot).

You're my big emotions kid. You love with everything in you and you fall apart over little things. You love to give kisses, telling me "I'll love you forever," give hugs, and snuggle. When you fall apart, it's usually whining and throwing fits because I asked you to do something you don't want to do. We work through it (sometimes with discipline), but you're learning!

You love to play on the iPad, read books, and play outside. You love to help me do just about everything from baking to washing dishes to doing laundry. I love how you help!

This year you learned how to ride your bike without training wheels! This is so much fun because now you can go on bike rides and be able to ride on your own instead of in the bike trailer.

You have the BEST laugh, smile, and giggle!

More fun things: we went on 2 vacations to Florida this year! We went to an Indians baseball game. We went to the circus. And we got a puppy!

I love being your mom and watching you grow. Love you!

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