

To Audrey: Year 2

Oh my sweet girl. I'm writing this letter a week before your third birthday. I'm a year behind! But I'm getting it done so I can write you a new one next week.

Things about your second year of life that I loved:

+ You were always trying to keep up with brothers, even when they were doing things that were too big for you!

+ You were little miss independent. Always wanting to do things yourself. You also wanted to do things your own way. No help wanted!

+ You LOVED fruit!

+ Baby dolls were your favorite thing to play with.

+ You weren't super verbal, but you definitely new what you wanted and made sure people knew it!

+ Momma was still your favorite person.

+ We got a puppy! And it was like having two toddlers because you both got into a lot of trouble :)

+ Your hair finally got long enough to put piggy tails in.

+ You fell while trying to get out of the shower and sliced your ear in half. We had to take a trip to the ER and get 6 stitches put in!

+ This was the year you went from being a baby to being a toddler. Bittersweet to look back at pictures and see a baby when you turned 1 to a toddler when you turned 2. 

+ You were SO mischievous and always getting into things.

I love, love, love watching you grow! You bring me such joy!

Love, Mommy

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