

To Audrey: Year 3

Dear sweet baby girl,
I don't feel like I can ever adequately describe how much you mean to me. The past year has been hard on me emotionally and I feel that Jesus KNEW when he gave you to me that you'd be just the person I needed to bring sunshine into my cloudy days. I thank the Lord every day for blessing me with you!

We've had lots of changes this year. Sam went to school full time for 2 days a week, so it was just you and me at home those days. I've loved every minute of one on one time with you. We got to do girls things like go get pedicures, go out to lunch together (or with Grammy or Lindsay), shop, run errands, work together, snuggle, and play together. One of our favorite things to do was go to Joshua Cup for drinks.

You learned how to pedal your tricycle. You switched from diapers to underwear. From a crib to a toddler bed (that we found on the side of the road!) because you learned how to climb out of your crib... with a little help and encouragement from your brothers. We went on a few vacations, to Florida and to Michigan. We sold our house and moved in with Grammy and Papa while we are building our new home. You stopped taking a nap. Olivia was born, and you love her!

You LOVE PINK. Everything has to be pink. You sleep with about 100 stuffed animals and babies. You never want to wear clothes and you're ALWAYS dirty. You're thriving now that we've moved to the country in having freedom to be outside. You love to swim! You have the MOST FUN personality ever. You're hilarious, mischievous, make the best facial expressions, love when people laugh at things you do yet you also get shy. You give the best hugs! Your favorite thing to do is play in the mud and find frogs that you can love til they die.

I love you SO, so much. Thanks for being my best girl. Can't wait to see you thrive this next year!
Love, Mommy

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