

To Luke (7 years)

Dear Luke,

Happy 7 year birthday, my sweet boy! You started kindergarten and have loved every single minute of it. This year you learned to read, write, and do math problems. You're a whiz at math and hate sitting still long enough to learn how to read well.

Your favorite part of school is recess and playing with your new friends! Your besties: Nathan Tucker, Burke Ratcliff, and Kane Gardner. Also, Brady Cord. He isn't in your class this year, but you ride the bus home together and play outside when it's nice out all the time!

You are SO independent. You want to do everything yourself!

We got Murdock this year and you LOVE him. The feeling is mutual. He stands at the door with his whole body wagging when he hears the bus coming.

I am so proud of you and how you're growing and learning and developing. You make my heart happy!

Love, Mom

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