Suzanne is sharing one of her blog posts with us today about how she repurposed some Spice Jars for a knock-off Anthropologie look.
Spice jars
Cute, huh? I thought so. I ordered some, but I came to the party a little late. All they had left was a 5, an 8 and a 9. But I thought "What the heck, that's three. I can decorate with three." Except that when they actually arrived, all I had was an 8 and a 9. Two? Really? What do you do with two? Plus, they weren't as white as I was expecting them to be. More like a cream color. And the numbers weren't black, but dark blue. I was bummed. I hate it when I don't get what I want. And an odd number of spice jars is a small thing to want, right? Then I remembered I had some of these.
Apparently, they're collectible. Whatever. I've had them for awhile, and I was tired of them. They may be ideal for storage at Home (not mine) or on Safari (who has the time to go?) I'd rather just re-do them. Enter.....
(drum roll please)
My very versatile new toy. I found a font I liked and cut out some numbers using sticky shelf paper. Then, I removed the lids from my jars, and spray painted one side black. When the black paint was dry, I applied the shelf paper, being careful to center the numbers. Then I gave the whole thing a good coat of low gloss white spray paint. Once that was dry, I peeled off the shelf paper. There were some spots that hadn't stuck too well, so the white paint bled a little. I just used a sharpie to, well, sharpen the edges of the numbers. Here they are.
I like them better than the Anthropologie jars I was
I think they're a pretty good fake.
Thanks for reading!
Don't forget to drop by Meridian Road and see what other projects she's been working on!
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